Have you ever wondered why all the years of talk therapy, reading self-help books, and going to yoga every day hasn’t changed that you still feel triggered over small things and over analyze everything?

Maybe you can also relate:

✓ You’re crushing your career goals…but you notice that you are working 60+ hours a week and feel like you are in a constant state of stress.

✓ You wish you could relax… but you panic when you see a day off in your calendar - so you fill it with activities instead of rest.

✓ You desire to feel closer and more intimate with your loved ones… but you often feel anxious during difficult conversations and you can’t focus on your day when you aren’t with your partner.

✓ You have a difficult time calming yourself down when you find out that your customer is angry with you and it results in hardly sleeping… you can’t help but to take it all personally.





carefully curated coaching packages to meet you where you’re at

1:1 Therapeutic Mentorship

For the high achieving woman who is ready to turn off her brain at the end of her work day and step into the safety of her feminine being.

This is my most intimate container that will completely change your life and how you relate with your physical and emotional body. This is a beautiful space to be seen, heard, and held as you step into the life that you deeply know you were created to live.

This container is perfect for you if you are seeking a transformative and customized experience.

Ready to begin? Follow the link below to apply!

    • Biweekly 60 minute zoom sessions.

    • Unlimited voice/text support via Telegram.

    • Journal prompts or meditations to complete outside of our meetings time.

    • My devoted time and support to guide you towards transformation.

  • Client A invested in 3 months of my 1:1 therapeutic mentorship program.

    She initially came to me feeling like she had tried EVERYTHING to heal her relationship anxiety. She often felt crippled by anxiety every time she was away from her husband and needed constant reassurance that he loved her.

    Very quickly into working together she was able to learn that this was rooted in a lack of safety that she felt within her body.

    After just a few short weeks she already could feel a shift in her energy and felt so much more grounded. By the end of our time together, she was able to self-soothe through the anxious feelings that came up in her relationship and was able to experience the intimacy and connection that she desired with her husband.

Resilient & Resourced: The Membership

Perfect for the woman who is dedicated to her healing practice and desires a hybrid self-paced & group experience.

This membership is an amazing way to learn how to regulate your nervous system and create a sense of safety within your feminine body.

  • Here is what you can expect inside the membership:

    • 60 minute 1:1 call with Courtney where you create your custom nervous system healing map.

    • 3 Live monthly calls that include movement practices, Nervous System teachings, and a Q&A session.

    • A private group community network.

    • Access to all the group recordings to take your movement practice on the go.

    • A resource library filled with teachings and somatic practices that you can take with you on the go!

  • The investment of the membership is $222/month with a five month commitment to the membership.

    At the end of the 5 months you can choose to go month to month!

Self-Paced Course: Choosing Her

This 6 module course is designed to heal your anxious attachment style by teaching you HOW to come back home to your body. When you feel at home in your body - you feel safe, supported, relaxed. You are choosing HER. You were created to feel at ease in your body throughout the dating process. This course is supportive for any stage of relationship if you are single, dating, or married.

  • Choosing Her is a 6 module self paced course that includes educational teachings, my workbook How to Process Emotions through your Body, body based practices, meditations, and journal prompts.

    The course is self-paced so you can move through the lessons at your own time.

    Once you enroll in the course, you will have immediate and lifetime access.

  • Choosing her is a 6 module course that is completely at your own pace.

    I recommend taking at least one week to complete each module to fully integrate the information.


“Courtney grounded our work in polyvagal theory education that made sense and helped me become more aware of what my body needed. She offered beautiful, guided embodiment practices that continue to help me literally get grounded and feel safer in my body and with my emotions. Courtney supported me generously in virtual sessions and with voice notes between sessions to help me process and integrate the practical skills and emotions that came with the practicing. She is a gift.”

- Jessica M.