Ready to HEAL ALONGSIDE A heart-centered community?



For the woman who feels as though she has tried everything to feel more calm in her body…

Maybe you can relate:

✓ You have been in therapy for years, tried all the mindset tricks, and go to yoga… but yet you still feel like you want to loose it when your boss sends you an email asking YET again if you have finished a project at work.

✓ You have read all the self-help books and have even worked with a wellness coach or therapist but still find that when you get angry or upset at your spouse/partner when they

✓ You were always told to be a good and quiet girl when you were young. So, now you have a difficult time expressing your anger without your throat completely tightening up.

✓ You notice that you get a headache and your neck gets tense every time you have to have a difficult time with your spouse/partner. You find that you would much rather forget about it than talk about it.

What if I told you that it was possible to find peace in your body throughout the waves of your emotions? Imagine if…

-You no longer feel “CRAZY” because of your emotions & instead you eagerly desire to FEEL them in your body.

-You no longer feel pressured to “manifest” the perfect job, relationship, or income into your life because you TRUST that if you can hold it all… you can have it all.

-Your thoughts changed because you CHANGED the way you feel in your body…

… all without investing thousands of dollars in traditional talk therapy, calming supplements, and all the latest wellness fads?



The membership that will change everything for you. Just like you invest in your Equinox membership to improve your physical strength and fitness… this membership is designed to improve your emotional well-being.

Imagine, that in just a few months, you could completely transform the way you feel in your body and no longer feel like your emotions are in the driver’s seat of your life.



Three Monthly Live Calls

The membership includes three LIVE monthly calls:

  1. Somatic movement practice

  2. Nervous system nourishment teaching

  3. Q&A session


Resource Library

As soon as you join the membership - you receive immediate access into the portal which includes a nervous system regulation course, movement practices, & recorded monthly sessions.


Supportive Community

A space to be seen, heard, and supported by a heart centered community. Lean in to the group chat for support and to receive guidance as you move through the membership portal.

The Transformation that my Clients are Experiencing:


✓ 60 minute 1:1 session to create your custom nervous system healing map

✓ 3 Monthly Live Group Calls

✓Nervous System Regulation 101 Course

✓ Group Discussion Chat to be seen, heard, and supported

✓ Access to the Resource Library Filled with Educational Sessions & Movement Practices

✓ 5 Month Commitment to Start - option for month to month after

Total investment:


meet your Guide


I want to be honest with you…

I deeply know the feeling of waking up in the morning feeling frazzled from hardly sleeping at night, dragging yourself to get ready for the day, go to work slightly zoned out, then come home feeling EXHAUSTED and can only be a couch potato the rest of the night.

Just like you…

I had tried EVERYTHING to try to make my body feel like a safe home for my emotions to land.

I was in talk therapy for years, tried EMDR, took an SSRI to feel calm, read literally every self-help book under the sun, went to yoga almost every day… the list goes on.

The most frustrating part?

NONE of this actually helped me feel GOOD in my body! I still woke up every morning trying to run away from the complex emotions that I often felt within my body.

I felt so defeated and I knew I was meant for something MORE.

The missing piece? I needed to apply the skills that I often taught my patients throughout my experience as an OT.

This required that I learn how to find safety within my body so that I could step OUT of the fight/flight response that my body was so used to.

Doing this work changed my life and has changed the lives of hundreds of women who I have guided over the years. I truly transformed myself from barely surviving to THRIVING in my life and stepping into my most confident (and calmest) self.

I am BEYOND excited to meet you and support you inside the membership!

  • "This membership has been EVERYTHING. The course portal is so easy to use and I LOVE the app!"

  • "I feel so validated with the support from the group. I was just telling my husband that this has been exactly what I needed after trying therapy for so long without feeling any better."

The membership is perfect for you if…

✓ You’re ready to have more work/life balance and step out of the constant stress you feel at work.

✓ You’re ready to sleep better at night without having to spend hundreds on supplements or wellness fads.

✓ You’re ready to learn how to communicate with your partner from a grounded place instead of an overly emotional and triggered place.

✓ You desire to feel more calm when you are dating or within your marriage instead of feeling like your whole day is hijakced when something feels off.


  • Any time you step into my 1:1 program or membership... I desire that you receive the BEST transformation. Think of this membership just as you would your gym membership - if you joined a gym for 30 days... you probably would not see the results to your physical body that you were hoping for.

    When you join the membership - you will notice results very quickly - however, it does require your time, energy, and commitment to make these results long lasting. It takes repetition and time to create new neural pathways in your brain and body.

    Your dedication to yourself WILL change your life.

  • Once you join the membership through Mighty Networks, you will be able to access the membership portal. Be sure to download the Mighty Networks app to be able to access the portal from your phone!

  • Somatic movement practices are gentle exercises or movements to encourage  mind-body connection and guide you to your internal world. This is a gentle way to get in touch with the internal cues of your body and allows you to access more information about the ways you hold on to the experiences of your life and your emotions.

    Many describe somatic movement practices as a huge emotional release and a grounding or calming experience.

  • All payments are non-refundable and non-exchangeable due to the nature of this service.

  • While it is encouraged to prioritize making it to the live call... all of the calls will be recorded and immediately uploaded to the membership portal.

  • I am more than happy to connect with you and answer any questions that you might have! Please send a DM to me on IG to @her.body.wisdom or send an email to


I look forward to supporting you inside the membership.